Instructions for Form 720

Note: Autodeclaro is not a consultancy, nor are we tax experts. We simply automate the completion of Model 720 on the basis of the statements you provide from your broker.

We are not responsible for your use of the information described here. It is your responsibility to check the information or instructions given here with a tax advisor.

You are ultimately and solely responsible for your declaration.

Once we have received our completed Form 720, the next step is to import the file generated in the tax office.

If you don't have it yet, you can generate it at:

The table of contents of this article is:

Importing and filing with the Tax Agency - Instructions for form 720

Tax Agency
Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa
Provincial Council of Bizkaia
Provincial Council of Alava
Treasury of Navarre

Tax Agency

For the Tax Agency (AEAT), we have to take two steps:

1/ Revision File .720 - New 2025

This file revision step was not necessary before, but due to a change in the AEAT, we cannot import the model 720 with the generic DNI/NIF 00000000T that is indicated by default and we have to change it for yours.

The first thing to do is to adapt the model 720 file completed by Autodeclaro. It comes with a generic DNI/NIF number, which is 00000000Tbut for the AEAT, the file must have the DNI/NIF of the holder who is going to file it. Remember that:

  • DNImust be 8 digits + letter
  • NIE: letter + 7 digits + letter

To do so, follow these 3 steps:

  1. Open file with extension .720 generated by Autodeclaro and received by email with the programme "Notepad (Notepad) for windows (If you use a Mac, you can open TextEdit).
  2. Note: Right-click on the .720 file and choose the option "open with" notepad/notepad/notepad++.
  3. Replace DNI/NIF 00000000T with your ID card. Remember to have 9 digits in total. If your DNI needs 0 in front of it, enter them
    • Go to the Edit" menu and select "Replace" or "Replace"..
  1. Once the texts have been indicated, they must be replaced with 00000000T by their DNI, in the example 12345678Zand then select "Replace everything".
  1. Once you have made the changes, save them ("File" - "Save") and you will be able to submit the file following the steps detailed below continued.

2/ Import .720 file in the Tax Agency

  1. Go to the website of the Model 720 Tax Agency.
  1. Go to the option "Form 720. Fiscal year 2023. Filing (up to 40,000 records)
  1. Identify yourself with "Cl@ave Mobile" (includes Cl@ave PIN) or Certificate or electronic ID card.
  • Enter the NIF of the declarant and import the completed Form 720 file, which has a format of the type 'XXXXXXXXXX.720'.
Enter the declarant's NIF and import the completed Form 720 file, which has a format of the type 'XXXXXXXXXX.720'.

And this would be an example result after importing the Model 720 completed by Autodeclaro.

An error will be displayed IDT10000 "Unidentified Declarant". Record No. 1.

This is normal, as the downloaded file is anonymous and does not contain personal data. Proceed to indicate in the following order:

  • Surname and first name under 'declarant's details' and 'person to whom to contact'.
  • Indicate the telephone number under 'Person to relate to'.

WARNING ICON "Fill in if you know the 'TIN' field in the country of tax residence".

There is also a "Fill in if you know the 'TIN' field in the country of tax residence".. It is an optional field, if not known leave blank, it is not a mandatory field.

The error "Lack of content in 'Country Code'". appears when we do not have the fiscal address of the company. This must be entered manually, and generally corresponds to the country that has the ISIN.

The registers from the second sheet onwards are those which carry the information indicated in the extracts.

The registers from the second sheet onwards are those which carry the information indicated in the extracts.
The registers from the second sheet onwards are those which carry the information indicated in the extracts.

Records type "Origin of the good or right" type "C".

Update: 12 January 2025. We are working to automate the completion of the value and date of sale from the transactions offered by the broker as we do for the Auto-Income service. If you have a lot of type C (defunct) records to fill in, you can contact me to know the status of this improvement. We expect to have it in late January or early February.

If you have type "C" recordsare extinct securities (they were declared in your previous Model 720 declaration but you no longer hold them in your portfolio). The valuation indicated by Autodeclaro is the value you had in your previous Model 720 return, so that It would be advisable to update this with the sale value and the date of sale/discontinuation.

The CSV files you provide do not contain the date of sale or its value, so it is not possible to fill it in automatically.

Below is indicated in yellow where to fill in:

  • Sales AmountIn the field "Valuation 1" : In the field "Valuation 1" : In the field "Valuation 2
    • If the sale is in a currency other than the Euro, you can make the conversion using the exchange rates indicated by the European Central Bank for that day of the sale.
  • Date of saleIn the field "Date of expiry".

In addition, these records of type "C" being extinct valuesappear totalled to the total value of the Model 720.

In other words appear in the sum of the total value that appears in the AEAT's Form 720, is greater than its value on 31 December, as indicated by the broker.

E.g. In the example below, there is a type C record for a value of 49,106.13 euros, and it is added to the total shown in the summary of the 720 tax return at the AEAT.

If we have securities that have suffered a spin-off that we declared in a previous Form 720 and we sell them during the following year, these will appear as a type "C" record. The amount of the sale should not include the company resulting from the spin-off that you may also have sold, but only indicate the sale value of the initial declared value in the previous Model 720.

Finally, you can validate the content, add more information or file the Form 720 with the tax authorities by clicking on the "Sign and Send" button. Then continue in the pop-up window to proceed with the filing.

Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa instructions form 720

Once you have the Modelo 720 file generated by Autodeclaro, the DNI that appears in the file is 00000000T.

Once it has been imported into "Zergabidea web", you must generate a duplicate of form 720 and add it to your declarant that you have previously created with your ID card and your personal details.

If you need help, please do not hesitate to contact.

The steps are detailed below.

  1. Go to the website of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa for Form 720.
  2. Go to "Presentation modalities" and go to the web platform 'Zergabidea'.
Go to "Presentation modalities" and go to the web platform 'Zergabidea'Zergabidea web
  1. Log in to the platform with your credentials and go to "IMPORT DATA" -> "Declarations" -> "From file".
Log in to the platform with your credentials and go to "IMPORT DATA" --> "Declarations" --> "From file".
Log in to the platform with your credentials and go to "IMPORT DATA" --> "Declarations" --> "From file".
  1. In this step, you can now import the completed Form 720 that you have obtained through "Auto-720". You can import it in the option "Select the file you want to import".
In this step, you can now import the completed Form 720 that you have obtained through "Auto-720". You can import it in the option "Select the file you want to import".
  1. Once imported, you can select the declaration to import in the Zergabidea tool and go to next.
Once imported, you can select the declaration to import in the Zergabidea tool and go to next.
  1. You will then receive confirmation of the import of the Model 720.
You will then receive confirmation of the import of the Model 720.
  1. And finally you will have it available as recent statements.
And finally you will have it available as recent statements.
  1. Once we have imported, we will see that a NIF 00000000T appears. It is a generic one that indicates Autodeclaro, but we can duplicate this form 720 for our declarant. To do this, go to the icon ‘+’ and then select the option Duplicate. A window similar to the one below will appear, select our declarant. If we do not have a declarant with our DNI, we should go to the top menu and create a declarant with our DNI and full name.
Once we have imported, we will see that a NIF 00000000T appears. It is a generic one that indicates Autodeclaro, but we can duplicate this form 720 for our declarant. To do this, go to the '+' icon and then select the 'Duplicate' option. A window similar to the one below will appear, select your declarant. If we do not have a declarant with our DNI, we should go to the top menu and create a declarant with our DNI and full name.
  1. Also if you go to the icon pencilIf you go into declaration edit mode, you will be able to see the content that has been finally imported.
Also, if you go to the 'pencil' icon, enter the edit mode of the declaration, you will be able to see the content that has finally been imported.
Also, if you go to the 'pencil' icon, enter the edit mode of the declaration, you will be able to see the content that has finally been imported.

Records type "Origin of the good or right" type "C".

If you have records of type "C", they are extinct securities (they were declared in your previous Model 720 return but you no longer hold them in your portfolio). The valuation indicated by Autodeclaro is the value you had in your previous Model 720 return, so it would be advisable to update it with the sale value of the security in question on that day.

The CSV files do not contain the date of sale or its value, so it is not possible to fill it in automatically.

In addition, these records of type "C" being extinct valuesappear totalled to the total value of the Model 720. Therefore it is possible that the sum of the total value that appears in the Form 720 is greater than its value on 31 December, as indicated by the broker.

Provincial Council of Bizkaia

The information page on Form 720 in Bizkaia is:

However, the way to fill in the Form 720 is by means of the programme/software called Bila. You can download it at:

Note: If BILA was previously installed, you may get an error message "It is necessary to update the platform as the model to be able to implement the action".

Note: If BILA was already installed before, you may get an error "You need to update the platform as the model to be able to execute the action".

So the BILA programme needs to be updated. Go to the "tools" or the red text of "Critical updates".

So you have to update the BILA programme. Go to the "tools" icon or the red text "Critical updates".

Once the pending updates appear, select and click on the button of "Install / Upgrade".

For the process of importing the Form 720 file that has been completed in Autodeclaro, follow the steps below:

1/ Once installed, open the BILA program and once it is open, go to the menu "Utilities -> "Import files in official format".

Once installed, open the BILA programme and once opened, go to the menu "Utilities" -> "Import files in official format".

2/ Select the .720 file you have obtained through Autodeclaro, and indicate the financial year you wish to file. Click on "Next".

3/ You will be shown the result of the import.

Note: The error detected is due to the fact that the declarant does not have an email address. We will see later on how to indicate this.

Note: The error detected is due to the fact that the declarant does not have an email address. We will see later on how to indicate this.

4/ Accept on the next screen

Accept on the next screen

5/ Go to the section "Declaration Management" -> "Declarants".

Go to the section "Declaration Management" --> "Declarants".

6/ Here you can change the VAT number. By default the file has the TIN 00000000T. Go to the "Modify TIN" button below.

Note: If the TIN you are going to enter is already in the database, the application will not allow you to enter it. Go to step 13

Note: If the TIN you are going to enter is already in the database, the application will not allow you to enter it. Go to step 13

7/ I changed the NIF to yours and clicked on "Accept".

I changed the NIF to yours and clicked on "Accept".

NIF/DNI does NOT exist in the list of declarants in the database of the Bila programme

8/ By double clicking on the declarant's details, you can go to modify all the declarant's details. You have to add the email address and set it as default. Click on "Accept".

By double clicking on the declarant's details, you can go to modify all the declarant's details. You have to add the email address and set it as default. Click on "Accept".

9/ To view the imported declaration, go to screen "List of declarants" -> "List of declarations". (When you are in "List of declarants", you will see the icon "Declarations" at the bottom right hand side.

When the image below appears, you can see what has been imported by double clicking on the statement in the table below.

If you wish to submit it, there is a "Submit" date icon at the bottom of the screen.

If you wish to submit it, there is a "Submit" date icon at the bottom of the screen.

10/ Once you have double clicked on the table above, you can see the summary, and if you go to the "pencil" icon, you can enter to see all the assets and rights.

If, on the other hand, you wish to submit it, you have the icon with the "Submit" arrow.

If, on the other hand, you wish to submit it, you have the icon with the "Submit" arrow.

11/ The list of assets is shown below. To see the details, double click on the asset you want more information about.

 The list of assets is shown below. To see the details, double click on the asset you want more information about.

12/ Here you could make the necessary modifications or adjustments.

 Here you could make the necessary modifications or adjustments.

There are no further steps to follow. You would have the option from file form 720 as indicated at the end of the steps 9 and 10.

Note: Type "Origin" records type "C".

If you have records of type "C", they are extinct securities (they were declared in your previous Model 720 return but you no longer hold them in your portfolio). The valuation indicated by Autodeclaro is the value you had in your previous Model 720 return, so it would be advisable to update it with the sale value of the security in question on that day.

The CSV files do not contain the date of sale or its value, so it is not possible to fill it in automatically.

In addition, these records of type "C" being extinct valuesappear totalled to the total value of the Model 720. Therefore it is possible that the sum of the total value that appears in the Form 720 is greater than its value on 31 December, as indicated by the broker.

Steps if your TIN/ID already exists in the list of declarants in the Bila database

13/ Create a new Model 720 declaration for the year 2021 under your NIF/DNI and do not enter any assets.

13.1/ To do so, go to "List of declarants" -> "Declarations".

13.2 Once there, go to the "New" button and create a Model 720 return for the year 2023.

Fill in the fields corresponding to form 720 for the year 2023 and click on accept.

The new Form 720 declaration for 2023 will appear in the list of declarations.

14/ Go to the list of declarants, and choose the declarant with NIF 00000000T and open the Model 720 declaration for the year 2023 (by double clicking on the declaration) that was previously imported.

14.1/ Once opened, choose the option "Copy B and D". A pop-up window will open for the destination declarant where this declaration will be copied from the 2023 Form 720 that was previously imported.

15/ If you have previously created the Model 720 declaration under the declarant with your NIF/DNI, tick the box and click on the button below. "Paste B and D".

If you have previously created the Model 720 declaration under the declarant with your NIF/DNI, tick the box and click on the button below "Paste B and D".

16/ The following confirm the "Sticking" of Assets and Rights in the declarant of destination.

If you have assets and rights on your Form 720 return, you will have the option to add to existing assets and rights or to replace/substitute existing assets and rights.

If you have assets and rights on your Form 720 return, you will have the option to add to existing assets and rights or to replace/substitute existing assets and rights.

Note: Type "Origin" records type "C".

If you have records of type "C", they are extinct securities (they were declared in your previous Model 720 return but you no longer hold them in your portfolio). The valuation indicated by Autodeclaro is the value you had in your previous Model 720 return, so it would be advisable to update it with the sale value of the security in question on that day.

The CSV files do not contain the date of sale or its value, so it is not possible to fill it in automatically.

In addition, these records of type "C" being extinct valuesappear totalled to the total value of the Model 720. Therefore it is possible that the sum of the total value that appears in the Form 720 is greater than its value on 31 December, as indicated by the broker.

Provincial Council of Alava

Here you can see the information on Form 720 in the Provincial Council of Álava:

In order to file Form 720 with the Provincial Council of Álava you need the "Programa de ayuda para modelos fiscales", a software exclusively for Windows. It can be downloaded from here:

The following are the detailed steps for the import of the Form 720 generated by Autodeclaro in the "Programa de ayuda para modelos fiscales" of the Provincial Council of Álava.

1/ Once you have downloaded the form 720 generated by Autodeclaro. You have to change the extension .720 by .txt. The programme only accepts the import of this format.

Once you have downloaded the form 720 generated by Autodeclaro. You have to change the extension .720 to .txt. The programme only accepts the import of this format.

2/ Once you have opened the programme, choose the exercise you wish to submit and click on the "import".

Once you have opened the programme, choose the exercise you wish to submit and click on the "import" icon.

3/ In the pop-up window, select the Fiscal Year, Model, Period and finally choose the file to import (The file generated by Autodeclaro que previously we have changed its extension from .720 to .txt)

Finally click on the green icon.

Finally click on the green icon.

4/ Next you will see the import report. As a taxpayer you will see the default data that Autodeclaro has filled in, but later we will see how to modify it.

Click on the document icon with the green icon.

Click on the document icon with the green icon.

5/ The import validations are shown below. Later on we will see which errors we have to correct.

Close this and all open windows.

Close this and all open windows.

6/ We will see that you have created a taxpayer with DNI 00000000T, which contains the newly imported form 720.

Double click on the template "Annual_Borreo_XX/XX/XX/XXXX".

Double click on the template "Annual_Borreimbursement_XX/XX/XX/XXXX".

7/ You will see the contents of the first page. If you click on the save button, you will be able to see in detail the errors to be corrected.

You will see the contents of the first page. If you click on the save button, you will be able to see in detail the errors to be corrected.

8/ The errors refer to:

  • Identification number in the country of tax residence
  • Street name and house number
  • Town/City
  • Province/Region/State
  • Postcode
  • Date of incorporation
The errors relate to

Note: These errors do not appear in the AEAT, Provincial Councils of Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa or the Treasury of Navarre. Only in the Provincial Council of Alava.

9/ Close the previous window.

Go to "Pages" and click on the right arrow to display the screen shown below.

Click on the lines in the table above and you will see the content of each position.

Mandatory fields are shown with a red exclamation mark.

Close the previous window.

Note: Registers type "Originating asset or right" type "C".

If you have records of type "C", they are extinct securities (they were declared in your previous Model 720 return but you no longer hold them in your portfolio). The valuation indicated by Autodeclaro is the value you had in your previous Model 720 return, so it would be advisable to update it with the sale value of the security in question on that day.

The CSV files do not contain the date of sale or its value, so it is not possible to fill it in automatically.

In addition, these records of type "C" being extinct valuesappear totalled to the total value of the Model 720. Therefore it is possible that the sum of the total value that appears in the Form 720 is greater than its value on 31 December, as indicated by the broker.

10/ To fill in the address, we can search for it in Yahoo Finance, below is the address of the previous example "SDI GROUP PLC" and also the address of "Facebook".

Note: We regret that we are unable to provide this information, which cannot be found in the CSVs you provide. In the rest of the regional tax authorities and even the Tax Agency, it is a value that is not obligatory.

11/ For the tax identification numberis somewhat more complicated. As a general rule, in Spain it is the CIF of the company, but for foreign companies we can google "Tax ID number + company name".

12/ Finally, if we want to change the DNI 00000000T for our own, we have two options:

a/ Copy the Model 720 declaration from declarant 0000000T to our declarant with our DNI (if we already had it created).

Copy the Model 720 declaration from declarant 0000000T to our declarant with our DNI (if we already had it created).

b/ If we do not have our DNI as declarant in the programme, we can simply change the DNI 00000000T to our DNI as follows:

If we do not have our DNI as declarant in the programme, we can simply change the DNI 00000000T to our DNI as follows:

Treasury of Navarre

Revision of .720 file

The first thing to do is to adapt the model 720 file completed by Autodeclaro. It comes with a generic DNI/NIF number, which is 00000000Tbut for the Navarra Tax Office, you must have the DNI/NIF of the holder who is going to present it. Remember that:

  • DNImust be 8 digits + letter
  • NIE: letter + 7 digits + letter

A generic first name and surname are also indicated. STATE YOUR NAMEWe will also be able to replace it, although it is not compulsory according to what other customers have told us.

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Open .720 file generated by Autodeclaro and received by email with windows Notepad (If you use Mac, you can open 'TextEdit').
  2. Replace DNI/NIF 00000000T with your ID card. Remember to have 9 digits in total. If your DNI needs 0 in front of it, enter them
    • Go to the Edit" menu and select "Replace" or "Replace".. Once you have indicated the texts, select "Replace everything".
Go to the "Edit" menu and select "Replace". Once you have indicated the texts, select "Replace all".
  1. There are clients who have not done this step and have had no problems in filing form 720, even so, we indicate how to adjust it in case you are interested in doing it.
    • Replace first name and surname. In this case it is necessary to select the 40 characters of the first name and surname field:
      • Text to be replaced: 'INDICATE YOUR NAME ' (40 characters)
      • New name. Example: 'JOSE PABLO MARTIN TORRES ' (40 characters, add spaces)
    • Go to the Edit" menu and select "Replace" or "Replace".. Once you have indicated the texts, select "Replace everything".
Go to the "Edit" menu and select "Replace". Once you have indicated the texts, select "Replace all".
  1. Once you have made your changes, save them and you will be able to submit the file following the steps below.

Presentation of Form 720

  1. Go to the website of the Navarra Tax Office for Form 720.
  2. Go to "Web form of the section VI. TELEMATIC SUBMISSION
  3. Once there, in the "PROCESSING". you can go to the "PROCESS".
  4. You can then start the Model 720 declaration. Consider the corresponding year for which you wish to file the Form 720.
You can then start the Model 720 declaration. Consider the corresponding year for which you wish to file the Form 720.
You can then start the Model 720 declaration. Consider the corresponding year for which you wish to file the Form 720.

Example of what it would look like once imported:

Example of what it would look like once imported:

Errors that may arise:

  • Tax identification number in the country of tax residence compulsory (Box 25)Unfortunately, this field is obligatory for the Navarra tax authorities, but not for the rest of the tax authorities. It must therefore be filled in manually.
Tax identification number in the country of obligatory tax residence (Box 25): Unfortunately, this field is compulsory for the Navarra tax authorities, but not for the rest of the tax authorities. It must therefore be completed manually.
  • What happens, however, is that if we are going to edit the said field 25 (Tax identification number) is disabled.:
What happens is that if we go to edit this field 25 (tax identification number), it appears disabled:
  • To enable itIn the field 15 (Key type of good or right), we have to change the type V to type I, and field 25 (Tax ID no.) becomes active.. Replace field 15 with the initial value V.
  • The field 16 (Sub-key of good or right) its content will be erased, re-select the value you have or want.
Field 16 (Sub-key of asset or right) will be deleted, re-select the value you have or want.

To find the "Tax identification number in the country of tax residence".The following is an excerpt from the article on the Dividend Hunter Form 720:

  • TIN in the country of tax residence: company's TIN. Optional field = NOT REQUIRED. This is a piece of information that may not be too trivial in other countries:
  • US companies: In this case it is very simple. All you have to do is download a report from the SEC (the American CNMV), for example the 10-k. On the company's website there is always a link somewhere called SEC Filings and you can download it from there. On the first or second page of the document, like a cover page, you will find all the information. The address is headed with a text like "Address of principal executive offices", the postal code is zip code and the American NIF is the IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) and has a format XX-XXXXXXXXX. Here is the search engine and an example.
  • British companies. Quite a bit more complicated. The full name and address can usually be found on the website. There is the concept of headquarters and registered office, which in theory should be used. The NIF as such does not exist. The closest thing is the Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR), issued by HMRC. It is not published and is held for tax purposes. You can get it by writing to them, but sometimes they either don't answer or it is not very clear that it is correct. The format is XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX, sometimes with three digits in front XXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX, but the numbers that matter are supposed to be the top ten.
    • Other options are the Company Registration Number or the VAT registration number. The Company Registration Number is not a tax number but is used to uniquely identify any UK company, as it is created on incorporation and is public information. It can usually be found on Google by searching for "Company Number" or on the Companies House website.
    • The VAT registration number is used for inter-company trading, with which VAT is invoiced and is also issued by HMRC. It is included in a European database where anyone can check if the number is correct. This could be the number they ask for, but not all companies have it, because it requires a minimum turnover, but obviously any listed company must have it. As with the UTR, it is not a number that appears on the web. A very useful website to search for a company's VAT is It has a search limit but waiting for the time limit or clearing cookies/cache allows you to do more searches.
    • As I am not sure which identifier to use, I think a good option is to use the "Provide additional documentation" option on the main page of form 720 to provide all the information we have on each position.
  • Spanish companies:
  • Australian companies: by googling "Australia bussines number ABN".
  • Companies from other European countries: can be requested directly from them or can be found on the internet. These are the most common formats:
    • France: XXX XXX XXX. It is called SIREN and can be found on the Societe website.
    • The Netherlands: NLXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    • Switzerland: CHE-XXX.XXX.XXX (called UID).

Note: Type "Origin of good" records type "C".

If you have records of type "C", they are extinct securities (they were declared in your previous Model 720 return but you no longer hold them in your portfolio). The valuation indicated by Autodeclaro is the value you had in your previous Model 720 return, so it would be advisable to update it with the sale value of the security in question on that day.

The CSV files do not contain the date of sale or its value, so it is not possible to fill it in automatically.

In addition, these records of type "C" being extinct valuesappear totalled to the total value of the Model 720. Therefore it is possible that the sum of the total value that appears in the Form 720 is greater than its value on 31 December, as indicated by the broker.

Declare your broker's cash account

If you need declare your broker's cash account, here are the instructions

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