Do current accounts on assets and rights located abroad have to be declared? You have it very easy with
¿How to declare the cash account of Degiro, Interactive Brokers and XTB Brokers?
Form 720 is a declaration of an informative nature, used to declare assets and rights in order to comply with Spanish tax obligations.
Remember that this I would only apply to you if the sum of current or cash accounts abroad exceed €50,000, tal como dictamina la Agencia Tributaria.
A continuación, te damos las instrucciones para declarar la CASH ACCOUNT of your broker in the Modelo 720, tanto con DeGiro, Interactive Brokers (IBKR), XTB y Trade Republic.
Note: If you have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to contact us at contact.
What is the 720 model?
The 720 model is a informative statement with which the Tax Authorities can find out about the assets and rights that any person has abroad. The purpose of this report is to inform the administration of the balance in accounts in banks located outside Spain, as well as securities, insurance, income or real estate, among others.
Self-declared is a tool for automating the completion of the 720 tax return, which can help you save a lot of time and money.
How to file Form 720? How to declare a Degiro broker account?
In order to be obliged to file the 720 form the balance of current accounts located abroad must exceed 50,000 euros.. Both DeGiro and Interactive Brokers are brokers with no tax domicile in Spain, which makes it necessary to notify the tax authorities of all money movements with these companies outside Spain.
Failure to file this form may result in tax offences in the future. To avoid such problems, below you can find a step-by-step guide to declaring your assets and rights abroad.
1.1 DeGiro Cash Account
The instructions for obtaining the DeGiro cash account are as follows:
1/ Enter the DeGiro website
2/ Go to "Login / Withdrawal" -> "Log in"..

3/ Select the option "Manual transfer to DEGIRO". Here we would have the bank details of IBAN, BIC, bank name and bank address.

3/ Obtain balance at 31 December and average balance last quarter
Go to "Activity" -> "Reports".

Once downloaded, go to the last page of the report to obtain the data relating to the balance at 31 December and the average balance for the last quarter.

4/ We would now go to our statement of the tax model 720 in the AEAT, to enter the DeGiro cash account details as follows:

Note: The box "Valuation 2: Amount or value of the transfer; average balance of the last quarter" is not provided directly by DeGiro.
To make a rough calculation it would be done in this way:
a/ We shall record day by day the closing balance of the cash account for the last quarter. Once this has been done, we will add up all the amounts and divide by 92 (number of days in the last quarter) and so we will have the average amount of the last quarter.
This information can be obtained from "Activity" -> "Statement of account and write down the amounts for each day. If you do not register on any day, take the total value of the previous day.
In the example below, the amounts for each day are shown. However, the amounts for 31 December would be missing (the same as 30 December), as would the amounts for 25, 26, 27, 28 December, which would be the amount for 24 December. And so on.
If you also want to automate the completion of the rest of the securities in your portfolio in DeGiro or any other broker, you can do it here:
1.2 Cash account at Interactive Brokers (IBKR)
A continuación se explica como obtener el CSV para calcular el saldo medio del último trimestre.
Este CSV podrá ser usado en la aplicación de autodeclaro para cumplimentar el Modelo 720 automáticamente con el saldo medio y final de año.
1/ Go to the tab "Performance and reporting" -> "Flex Consultations"In the flex query, you will have to select the section "Balances in phrex"..

2/ Select the fields "Quantity“, “Report Date" y "FX Currency". In options indicate "Summary". Go to continue and save the query

3/ Don't forget to indicate the separation by days in the "..." field.General configuration"and save the flex query:

4/ Execute the flex query and choose the CSV format to be able to manipulate it in excel.

If you have cash in multiple currencies, el propio informe te mostrará el saldo por cada divisa para ese periodo.
Ya tendrías el extracto del efectivo para ser usado junto al resto de ficheros que quieras usar:
Autodeclaro lo que realiza es tomar el efectivo de cada divisa, y usa el tipo de cambiodel BCE por cada día. Puede bajar la serie de tipo de cambio aquí:
Usted podría manejar el excel para hacer el sumatorio y dividir entre 92, (los fines de semana no hay reporte, puedes usar el saldo a cierre del viernes). Como ya se ha explicado esto lo puede hacer automáticamente en el servicio auto-720 de autodeclaro.

A manual calculation would be done in this way:
a/ The closing balance of the cash account for the last quarter should be downloaded and recorded on a day-by-day basis. Once this is done, we will add up all the amounts and divide by 92 (number of days in the last quarter) and so we will have the average amount of your Interactive Brokers cash account for the last quarter.
Declaring broker cash accounts on the 720 form is vital. This action helps to avoid penalties and fines and prevents tax fraud. It may seem complicated but, following the steps set out in this post, it is very simple to carry out. If you have any questions, don't hesitate and click on contact.
Here is an example, you would have to adjust the data to your IBKR account as the accounts were migrated to Ireland.
- Interactive Brokers Ireland Limited, One, floors 6 & 7, 91/92 N Wall Quay, North Wall, Dublin, D01 H7V7, Irlanda
- Informe del codigo de cuenta (su cuenta en IBKR) en su modelo 720
- Informe de la fecha de incorporación (fecha en que abrió la cuenta IBKR) en su modelo 720

If you also want to automate the completion of the rest of the securities in your portfolio in DeGiro or any other broker, you can do it here:
1.3 Cash account on XTB
In the annual report you have the information about your cash account linked to your investment account:
1/ Go to XTB's xStation 5:
2/ Go to "My Account" -> "Customer Corner".

3/ Go to "My Profile -> Documents . Download the document "Portfolio Statement 31 December 2023 - XXXX.pdf"..

In this PDF you will have the information related to your cash account associated to the investment account of your XTB broker to declare in your Form 720.

1.4 Cash account in Trade Republic
In the annual report you have the information about your cash account linked to your investment account:
1/ Log in to Trade Republic:
2/ Go to "Profile" and look for the "Annual Tax Report of the relevant year. And download the PDF document.
3/ In the section III. Form 720under the heading Key C. You will find information relating to your cash account in Trade Republic to be entered in the Form 720 manually.
Note: Remember that it is only necessary if you have more than €50,000 in cash between all your foreign accounts.

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