Hello, my name is Daniel, I am a father, I am almost 40 and I studied computer science in my younger years. And yes, I am the person behind AutoDeclaro.es.
I like to solve problems that generate time to dedicate to what is really important. My family.
That's why I focused my efforts on creating AutoDeclaro.es, and why not, that you also benefit from its advantages..
Try for free without obligation our services to start to save time and money..
If you want to know even more in detail about the Autodeclaro project, we encourage you to watch the interviews that they granted us Dividend Investment, Fintwit Sharks, Santiago Trigo and Pablo Nogales.
But it's not about me.
This page is also about you.
You'll see...
The current reality is that, when we have to fill in any tax form, the option of delegating this task to our tax advisor or looking for a consultancy may come to mind.
Big mistake.
Such services are always available, but not everyone can afford their high fees or you simply do not want a third party to have knowledge of your portfolio.
And then, of course, we set out to fill in these models ourselves, where we will find ourselves faced with a arduous manual task.
The result is that, especially for those with a diversified portfolio of brokers and a large number of companies, it takes hours or even days of work.
Honestly, every time I have to go through this procedure, I have always wanted to spend as little time as possible, because time is money after all.
I'm not going to fool you, I'm not an expert in finance, nor in brokers. I'm just someone who has been able to automate the process of generating some tax models.
I am passionate about power save timeI have to focus on what is important, be it my family or my professional area, and not use my limited time on repetitive tasks that do not contribute anything to me.
And you know what?
Here you will find exclusive online tools that allow you to complete your tax obligations automatically and completely anonymously.
AutoDeclaro.es is the answer to the interest that, like me, thousands of people have when they have a portfolio in foreign brokers, saving time, fulfilling their legal obligations and also in a confidential and secure way.
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