
Car 721

0,00 160,00 



It is highly recommended that you read the instructions below to ensure that Form 721 fits your personal situation.

Note: "La demo version only generates a complete 721 model, but with incomplete information such as:

  • The amounts have the decimal part not filled in, i.e. the decimals are removed.
  • Denomination and acronym of the virtual currency partially covered with 'XXXXX'.
  • Website Address Safeguarding Entity partially covered with 'XXXXX'.
What is the difference between the 'Premium', 'Unlimited' and 'Golden' version?
  • Premium: It is the automation to fill in the 721 form automatically for up to 20 records. The filing is done by the client himself following the instructions.
  • Unlimited: This is the automation for filling in form 721 automatically with no limit on the number of entries. The filing is carried out by the client himself following the instructions.
  • Golden: The same features as the Unlimited version, but the client does not have to do anything else. We review your Form 721, and file it directly with the tax authorities. Once filed, we send you the proof of filing.

More details and list of fares: here.

How do I get the extract/report from the exchanges?

You can see how to download your reports for Binance, Kraken, Revolut, Coinbase and others.  here.

Can I generate Form 721 with several exchanges?

Yes, to do so, compress in .ZIP format the files of the brokers for which you want to obtain the completed Form 721.

I have a hot/cold wallet. Do I have to report my cryptocurrencies on Form 721?

No, according to binding consultation V2290-23.

What exchange rate is used to determine the valuation price in Euros of each cryptoasset as at 31 December?

The exchange rates used are those quoted on the 'CoinMarketCap' website